Laundry & Dish Detergent

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Laundry & Dish Detergent

In the leading up to this study, there had been significant changes in the laundry and dish categories. For example:

  • Growth in consumers’ environmental awareness;
  • Increased prevalence of ‘green’ products to meet changing attitudinal drivers; and
  • Introduction of new products innovations that changed category dynamics.

The role of this U&A was very simply to create a foundation and roadmap for decision making on both strategic and tactical matters, ranging from:

  • Opportunity identification to fill the innovation pipeline;
  • Through to brand positioning, product and channel strategy development; and
  • Communications and media strategy development.


Large scale surveys were conducted online for both laundry and dish, covering nearly n=8,000 consumers who were responsible for doing either laundry or dishwashing in their household. Due to the huge amount of content required to be covered, the survey was modularised so that individual survey length was kept to a reasonable level to preserve data quality.

Using the results of the survey, individual consumer segmentations for laundry and dish were created, along with an overarching segmentation that fitted across both laundry and dish to understand the cross-over between the categories.


The U&A component of these studies gave our client the fact base needed to inform a range of decisions, and when combined with a segment overlay, client direction on a series of strategic matters. A high level of client engagement was achieved by involving key stakeholder groups throughout the design process and importantly, through a series of activation workshops upon delivery.
