Diversity and Inclusion Commitment

Diversity and Inclusion Commitment

Nature's Diversity and Inclusion Commitment

Diversity and inclusion are matters fundamentally interwoven into our brand DNA and values. At Nature, we encourage our team members to be themselves and embrace the diversity this brings. We pride ourselves on being an organisation that fosters inclusivity, so that we can unleash the power of our collective diversity.

We believe diversity breeds innovation and creativity, so we embrace our employees’ differences in race, gender, age, religion, ability, identity and experience – and other characteristics that make our employees unique.

Our commitment to diversity extends to consistency and fairness in our practices and processes including recruitment and selection, onboarding and development, remuneration and rewards, promotions and social activities.

We practice inclusion through the demonstration of our values and focus on encouraging open dialogue about how well we are doing on his front.  Inclusivity at Nature is based on respectful communication without hierarchy, active employee participation and voice in decision making. We demonstrate our commitment to wellbeing by practicing flexibility in the way our roles are created and structured, the hours and location of our work, and the balance of our work demands with our family and carer responsibilities.
